English Literature...

Is interesting read English Literature, because we have to know about it in different kinds as poetry, short-stories, romantic stories, essays, etc.

Great writers

Great writers
Edgar Allan Poe

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

A MODEST PROPOSAL by Jonathan Swift (some important points)

  • What is the full title of "A Modest Proposal"? "A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public.
  • Of the following, which is not one of the common options chosen by the children of Ireland? Become factory workers.
  • How old did Swift recommend children be before they became a modest proposal? One year, the unild can be brought up entirely on a mother's milk for about one year.
  • Of the 120,000 children annually born in Dublin at the time, how many did Swift suggest should be used for the modest proposal? 100,000.
  • What was the ethnicity of the person who told the narrator that a young, healthy child is a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food? American.
  • During what time are the most Roman Catholic children born? -The narrator mentions that the author Rabelais about the event to propagation work. "Gargantua and Pantaguel" (months after lent).
  • What did the narrator recommend as the selling price for a beggar's child? 10 shillings.
  • What did the narrator acknowledge as the strongest objection to his proposal? It was a little bordering on cruelty.
  • Which of the following is listed as one of the benefits of the narrator's modest proposal? The food will bring a great custom to taverns in Ireland.
  • Why did the narrator say that the modest proposal food should not bear exportation? The flesh is too tender to admit along continuance of salt.


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